Jul 26, 2022
1h 25m

Ep 20: Post-Game Content

Episode hosts:
Jason Jasicki
Patrick Soltys-Curry

Welcome to the season two finale of RPGaymer! It’s time to discuss Post-Game Content and New Game+

Sometimes beating a game opens up a lot of options that further your gaming experience. Some games add additional quests, super bosses, and true path endings in order to squeeze out as much enjoyment as possible. (Pokémon Silver always comes to mind as having one of the best Post-Game Content experiences.) Other games add unlockables such as new story modes, new characters, and extra challenges to get you to try a new game from a completely fresh angle. New Game+ and Post-Game Content are a staple in the development of most games, but is that a good thing?

Stay tuned for our own post-season content which will be released in the quiet production time between seasons two and three!

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